Finishing My Animation 102 Showreel

Today I completed my showreel for the Animation 102 module. I used the same layout as my last showreel for Animation 101 to keep continuity with my work. I included every main animations which I had to complete for the module and used a frame counter and titles to allow the audience to know which animation was which. I looped each of the animations 3 times again to allow the audience to look at each of them for a good amount of time each. The video also included a soundtrack which played in the background to keep the audience occupied and to get rid of the complete silence. I lowered and slowed down the sound so that it would be a backing track and not something that would distract the audience. I created the respective folders and placed all the content within them and also exported the video effectively at the end of the editing stage.

This is a link to my video!

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