Completing My Pecha Kucha Presentation

Today I finished my Pecha Kucha presentation. This presentation included 20 slides which were going to stay on the screen for 20 seconds each. These slides contained interesting and exciting things I have learnt and done over the past years. I have laid my slides out to have a small title and then an image showing the audience a visual of what I was talking about. My order of topics on each slide went like this: Dorms, Cooking For Myself, Going To Viewings, Rowing, What I Enjoyed On The Course, What I Didn’t Enjoy On The Course, Learning Adobe Packages, Work, Work Experience, Passing Driving Test, Getting A Car, Driving To Scotland, Getting A Pet, Bothy, Wild Camping, Snowdon, Crib Goch, 11 Hour Coach Ride, Newquay. With these different topics I had to think of things to say for each for a length of 20 seconds, I needed to stay within that time because if not it would mess up my timing for all of the other slides on the presentation.

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