Insightful Coference Call

Today I took a conference call with a man named Michael Stocker about Noise Pollution on Marine Wildlife. Michael has been helping and giving out notice towards this issue since 1992. He shared a lot of useful information with me through screen sharing and explaining his stories and research with this type of pollution.

There were a few main causes of noise pollution which I didnt even hear about until this call. They included: shipping noise, seismic surveys, military sonar and digital sonar. All of these different types of noise pollution effect the wildlife within daily which then can disorientate nearby and far away animals.

I also got shown some useful websites and diagrams which Michael had, they showed just how bad each heading contributes to the noise pollution. The websites gave useful information an insight for any viewers towards the topic of noise pollution therefore broadening the realisation of it.

Overall this meeting was extremely helpful and has allowed me to understand a lot more about noise pollution in the ocean. I am very thankful to Michael for spending his time with me and explaining the issues from his research and experiences. After learning about all of this I am definitely going to adapt the script to involve a lot of this information which has been provided to me so generously.

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