Starting To Animate The Documentary

The past few days I have been focusing on animating the documentary for Noise Pollution on Marine Wildlife. My progress so far through this has been completing the first part which is the Overview. Using the pre-animated characters and props I merged them into a scene on Adobe After Effects along with my voice overs to create a well timed version of the animation. With my basics covered and my idea of what I though the scene would look like I exported it and uploaded it into the google drive where I asked my team to tell me what they thought and if there was anything else I should add. I got quite good feedback from my group with only little changes to the scenes. These were easily fixable and changeable so I completed what they had asked and uploaded it again to see if everything was up to the standard in which they wanted and had thought of. I am still waiting to see if they are all okay and if there are any other things which needed doing. Unfortunately I didn’t screen record any of this process.

The next part I started to animate was the needs section. This was the shortest part of the animation because it only consisted of one scene and it was just over 10 seconds long. I animated this quite fast because of all the pre-animations on the characters made it an easier process. I used Ffion’s parallax of the ocean floor for this scene because I thought it fitted really well with the script and also because it allowed for a panning shot instead of still along with including other members of the groups animations and it not just being all of my own. I will also ask for feedback from this section and see if there is anything else which needs adding or changing. I screen grabbed this section and it can be found below!




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