Team Presentation

Today me and my team had to present our work up until this point to the class and lecturers to get different feedback and assistance. We all had our specific slides to reacd for what we have done and it allowed the presentation to go as smoothly as possible. We included imagery and videos when needed inside to visually show to the audience what we had completed for our animated documentary. We had up to 20 minutes to present it all so we couldn’t just waffle on about different slides because we had to keep it in the time schedule.

The response we got was really good everyone seemed to like our idea, of ‘Noise Pollution on Marine Wildlife’. They liked the fact we had all had a huge part on creating the producing this animation and that noone was left out with noting to do or not having a big part in the production.

Overall I was firstly worried about this task because I don’t enjoy talking infront of a crowd, but once doing it after learning what I needed to say the experience wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be at the build up.

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