Fixing And Adding Detail To My Landscape On Maya

Today I fixed some things on my landscape scene and added some more detail to it overall. I will show my processes of what I have done below, even though it was a short attempt at the scene I feel as though I got a lot done in terms of learning and development to my skills and project.

Firstly when previously modifying this scene I preffered the old water colour, I managed to fix this by addigning a new surface shader onto the lake and river in order to set them back to being the colourless liquid instead of the blue tinted one. P1

Below you can see the difference in the waters, I noticed there has always been an issue with the lake when viewing it from affar so I went on to try and fix the issue of the misssing sections of it.Water Colour Change

After a lot of playing around I moved the water to look as best as possible, below you will see my outcome. I couldn’t fix the issue with the water so I am deciding to cover it up with props instead. This will allow me to have the camera set up only show the nice parts of the lake when flying around. P2

Next I added my cave to the scene, I placed this to the end of one of the rivers. I had to delete the extra objects which came with the scene and I once moved into position I transformed it in order to match with the water. I also placed water into the cave entrance in order to create the visual of water flowing out of the cave into the river. Below I have contained an image.Cave And Water

After this I started to add some trees to my scene, I dragged the original file in and noticed that the program started to lag heavy. With this I duplicated some of the trees and made a small gathering of them around a really large one. With this the software nearly became unusable. I decided to make everything within the scene smaller. If I was only to have a camera flying around it would make everything easier and require a lot less power and storage to have my scene like this. After doing this it turns out this wasn’t the case and it still required the same amoutn of storage and requirements. I went and did some research into how to make the project file take up less storage and I learnt about an ‘Instance’ instead of ‘Duplication’. To do this I had to select the objects and group them. With the group selected I have to go to Edit > Duplicate special and click the settings box. In the options panel I have to select the ‘Instance’ option, And finally define any transform values for the new instance. I will make sure to take this into consideration when I re-enter this landscape and start working on it again. Below is a render of the trees I have completed so far.Initial Tree Render

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