Creating An Animatic With Sounds And Titles

Today I decided to update my animatic with all the new assets I had attained. These included the titles I had created for me from my second year helper along with some music that I had customly made for the animation. I used the previous full animatic video file as the base and implemented the ‘Tier Z Creations’ opening title just before the video atarted. I then moved over the sound which I had finished for me which was a section of the scene 1 and multiplied it once so that it covered the entirety of the first scene. Although this wasn’t the full music it was everything I had so far as my sound and music designer couldn’t work over the holidays. The animation ended and I implemented the credits card I had made for me also, this time I used the music clip slowed down so it covered the whole section of the credits.

The sound and music that was missing was going to be finished very soon so I wasn’t worried about not having it for the final piece but it was just a shame I couldn’t add it to this animatic.

I have uploaded this animatic and you can find it under this link here!

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