Animating Scene 3 For The Confounding Contest

Today I decided to animate my scene 3 for The Confounding Contest, this again was one of the easier scenes to accomplish. All it contained was a static camera and the 2 characters ‘Zang and Zito’ running off into the distance. I used one of my second years run cycle as reference and created character runs for these two. Using a loop format I was able to copy the keyframes over for a continuous movement across the ground once I had set the final resting place of the master control. This would create the illusion of them running away into the distance before disapearing into the fog. Finally, this scene lasted for 15 seconds as it allows for a realistic movement speed to reach the end of the custom environment I built without it all looking too fast.

I batch rendered the scene and placed it into a premiere file where I ordered ewach frame by name and then created a clip from them all which allowed my completed scene 3 to be played back nicely and in a good quality in which I desired.

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