Animation 102 Evaluation

During the Animation 102 module I have learnt a lot of different things, starting at moving and armature and advancing to creating my own short story. I think over the second semester I have got a very strong grip of the software Maya and have learned a lot more about StopMotion too.

The first task consisted of having to pose the Buckid rig into 6 different poses from the pose sheet. I had no idea how to do this and it took me a while managing to learn each points of the rig which I could move and rotate. After learning the basics of the rig I chose the 6 different poses to model. I chose: Disgusted, Curious, Brave, Comfortable, Depressed and Grumpy. I completed these poses well and provided additional reference material for each one. What went well with this task was that I learnt how to use the rig and managed to move Buckid into the different poses to show more emotion through his body movements. What I think I could have improved on was making the poses look more realistic by having his legs and arms not lock and look broken, to fix this I will need to keep a bend in the joints.

The second task consisted of animating a character to sit, stand, sit and settle. I completed this with stopmotion. This was my first experience with using an armature with stopmotion and I found it really difficult to move the individual parts without nudging or moving anything else. After a ton of practice and studying my reference material I managed to create the task that the character was at an air show and he was doing these movements because he was a little kid excited about the planes. What went well with this task was that I managed to portray emotion through the stopmotion armature and have it complete the tasks. What could have been improved was the amount of shaking which the armature did when it was moving. To improve on this I would need to stop nudging and moving the armature by accident with the other specific movements.

The third task which I had to complete was Buckid and a stop motion armature changing emotions. In my opinion this was my worst task because none of the animations which I created looked how I had planned them to be, the only thing I learned from this was that I had to emphasize and plan timing effectively. Firstly with the Maya version it was my first time setting key frames with Buckid so I got really confused with the different sections to set. With stopmotion I don’t think I emphasized the emotions enough for anyone to actually understand what they are. What went well was that I got a lot of practice with setting the key frames with the Buckid rig. What could have been improved with Maya firstly is the smoothness of the animation and the emphasis of the poses. And secondly with stopmotion again the emphasis on each movement and also the same problem as firstly with the shaking of the armature. To improve on both on these for next time I will have stronger emotions to portray successfully with the characters.

The fourth task which I had to complete was getting the character walk in Maya and stopmotion too. I learnt a lot by doing this task such as character weight, timings and gravity. Firstly for the Maya version in my opinion this was one of my best tasks because I planned and executed it really effectively. With the stopmotion I found it didn’t turn out as well and had to have another attempt at it to improve. What went well mainly was that I managed to have most of the Buckid rig moving to bring life to the character. With the stopmotion attempt I managed to use the magnet placements to attach to the armatures feet. What could have been improved for the Maya walk would be that the head shouldn’t move as much, and with the stopmotion I learnt that I needed to stop the rocking of the character without realizing it, to improve on this I will need to use onion skinning to stop moving the characters body when not needing to.

The fifth task which I was asked to complete was making the Buckid rig to sneak. To do this I had to use my reference material and then study the timings and foot placement to make it look like the character was trying to sneak away from something, we also had to give a reason for the character sneaking. My reason was that it was a kid sneaking downstairs to get food in the middle of the night. What went well about this task was that I learnt how to produce more emotion and life through the movements. What I could have improved on was the rocking of the characters body, it flopped too much in comparison with the rest of his body, in order to improve I will need to take into account the rest of the characters bodies movements and then match it so that the animation doesn’t look too unrealistic and tacky.

The sixth task was Pushing and Pulling. To do this I had to create an object for Buckid the character to use try and open. I started of this animation by having the rig walk up to the door which I created then try and open it. I did these both on separate animations and had the same start for each one. This task taught me how to lock the characters arms so that it looked like they were struggling when trying to open something. What went well about this task was that I had a lot of practice with the rig and also learning how to use the IK and FK handles. What could have been improved was the actual pulling and pushing of the animation, at times the audience couldn’t tell what the character was doing if it was either pushing or pulling. I also needed to improve on the timings and speed of the animation. To improve on this I would have to make sure I use timings to allow the audience to understand what the character is doing.

The seventh task was Lifting Light and Heavy loads. I did this task using stopmotion and personally I think it went really well for me. I got very used to the armature and learnt how to stop the shaking. What went well doing this task was that I was able to portray the different weights effectively with the armature and got used to the armature walking too. What didn’t go as well was that sometime you could see my shadow or a blur in one of the frames, to improve on this I would have to make sure that I am completely out of shot at all times when animating.

The eighth task was a Short Story. This task I thought went extremely well too for me I think because I managed to use a lot of the previous tasks exercises and merge them into a story where my Buckid character was going on a wilderness walk. What I think went well with this animation was the timings, cameras and smoothness. I learnt how to create and set key frames on cameras for my animations and also how to create environments for them to act out in. I had to create 4 different files for this one animation so I could create different environments for the character to act in, I also added sound in the production of the video at the end. What went wrong with this animation was that at some points the character did have leg lock when walking and also did take to long to act out its movements and that made it look a bit robotic. Another thing which could be improved was the arm movements in comparison to the legs on the character. To improve on these I had to keep continuity between the body parts and also make sure the character has enough life in him.

The ninth and final task was to complete the showreel. The showreel overall was quite challenging to create by having to drag all of my separate animations onto the timeline then loop them 3x and include titles and a good background track. After adding all of these together I think my showreel turned out well.

For the Animation 102 module I think it turned out pretty well it allowed me to learn a lot about Maya and stopmotion which allowed me to get a good experience to start animating my own tasks. With all the basics done I can now improve on these and get to know the program even better and also improve on my skills with stop motion and make sure all the animations I create have good timings and are as smooth as they can possibly be.

Finishing My Animation 102 Showreel

Today I completed my showreel for the Animation 102 module. I used the same layout as my last showreel for Animation 101 to keep continuity with my work. I included every main animations which I had to complete for the module and used a frame counter and titles to allow the audience to know which animation was which. I looped each of the animations 3 times again to allow the audience to look at each of them for a good amount of time each. The video also included a soundtrack which played in the background to keep the audience occupied and to get rid of the complete silence. I lowered and slowed down the sound so that it would be a backing track and not something that would distract the audience. I created the respective folders and placed all the content within them and also exported the video effectively at the end of the editing stage.

This is a link to my video!

Maya Story

Today I completed my Maya story for the Animation 102 module. My story was created using the 3D animation software called Maya. I spent along time planning and preparing this animation, I firstly drew down the key parts of my story.

Key Drawings:

After doing that planning I knew where I wanted the character to move too in the animation. I then decided that I would need some reference footage to help me with animating the final product. I got one of my friends to record me in a forest acting out what I wanted to happen in my animation.

Scene 1:

Scene 2:

Scene 3:

Scene 4:

I then was able to start animating the story, by having all of my planning I found it a lot easier at this stage than I would have done if I had not done the planning. I completed the characters movements for the each individual scenes then decided to add in camera movements and props in the animation to make it look more full. After doing this I exported each individual scene and placed them all into premiere where I edited them together to create the effective short story with corresponding sounds and titles.

This is the link to my story!

Armature Lifting

Today I completed my lifting animations. I did these under the method of stop motion because I wanted to try something different than Maya. My animation consisted of the armature walking past 2 blocks, 1 big one and 1 small one. The armature notices these and stops to look at them. He stands there and thinks then decided that he wants to pick them up. As he picks up the bigger one he doesn’t realize how heavy it is and falls over from the weight of it. When he finally gets back up he gets angry at the bigger box and then goes and picks up the small block and places it on top of the bigger one. He then stands there at the end looking contempt with himself.

The problems which I have noticed with this animation is that some of the moments in it look quite jittery because of how I have moved the armature and props, another thing I noticed was that you could see my shadow in the animation a few times also. The next time when creating a stop motion animation I will need to make sure that I stand far enough back that I don’t get in the way of the animation. The last thing I noticed which wasn’t very good about it was that it sped up in some parts and the movements didn’t look human or realistic at all, i mainly noticed this towards the end because I think I sped up the time of the animation. Next time I will make sure to take care of the timings and dedicate enough time and precision to each parts of the animation in order to keep the movements consistent and effective. Other than these issues which I noticed I think that the animation turned out pretty well in the end.

This is a link to the video!

Buckid Pulling

Today I completed my Buckid trying to pull something task for the Animation 102 module. I did this by animating him walking up to a door then trying to pull it. Within this I had him have his feet slip towards the door to show he is using great effort and also have him stand on the door to use even more effort to pull it open. Some things which I have noticed don’t look too good in the animation are that it runs a bit too slow, there isn’t much thinking time between each action and some of the movements are a bit snappy and clip a bit and don’t look too realistic.

This is a link to my video!

Buckid Pushing

Today I completed my animation of Buckid Pushing for Animation 102. I completed this activity by adding a set of doors into the animation. Having these implemented me to set up where buckid was standing properly. I had to have buckid walk up to the doors at the start because he was too far away. When pushing the doors I also had buckid to have a foot slide to show that he was pushing extremely hard on the doors. The downside of my animation which I noticed was that some of the actions which he carried out were too slow and had a few clipping/snapping points within where the animation could have been created to be more smooth. Otherwise I think it was a successful attempt.

This is a link to my video!

Buckid Sneaking

Today I completed the Buckid Sneaking task for the Animation 102 module. I used the reference material I gathered of myself to get a good idea of the times and speeds of my animation. I had the rig take longer steps and have his body rock a lot more which would show that he is trying to muffle his steps. The idea I had behind the sneak was that the rig was trying to sneak in after a night out, by not waking anyone up walking like that. The only thing which I think I would need to improve on for next time is maybe slow him down a bit more because when sneaking you would usually go a little slower than the speed I created the rig to go.

This is a link to the video!

Reference Material For Animation 102

This is going to be a post containing all of the reference material I have used for the Animation 102 module. I have recorded myself mainly and other people to help me for when I am completing and carrying out my animations.

Air Show References:

Changing Emotions References:

Jumping References:

Lifting Heavy References:

Lifting Light References:

Pulling References:

Pushing Reference:

Running References:

Sneaking References:

Walking References:

Buckid Walking

Today I finished my animation for Buckid walking. This took me many tries and a long time to complete but once completed I have learnt a lot more about movement and timing in animation compared to real life. I have created Buckid to walk 5 steps forward, I involved all his body with movements so not just his legs so that the motion rippled through his body effectively and made a good walking animation.

This is the final animation:

This is a link to the video!

Armature Walking Redo

Today I also redid the armature walking, this time around I had the armature come in from an angle then walk towards the camera. I also zoomed in more this go too, to allow more movement to happen with the animation. This time around looks a lot better and smoother than the first time I did it and I am happy with the result.

This is a video to the final animation:

This is a link to the video!