Finishing My Production Bible

Today I finished off my production bible for the storytelling module. I had to create this document using InDesign and had to include a ton of different heading to have everything in which I created include itself in there. The headings which I used consisted of were: Character Designs, Environment Art, Style Frames, Story And Character Information and Storyboards. With these 5 headings I was able to include everything which lead me up and that I created for my Animatic. For character designs I included the turnarounds, some information about them, colourways and expressions for both ‘Zotarius’ and ‘Zotane’. For the environment art I included my hand drawn background imagery and schematics for my environment which was their house. For my style frames I included the detailed concept art pieces which I created for my animatic. For the story and character information I included my script, pre-production and character biographies to give the audience a strong knowledge as to what the character is like. For my final heading which was the storyboards I included all 12 of my scenes and put their name, length, sound and notes which I had made next to the image so that the audience could see my plan which I had thought of. Also on my production bible I had a title and an end page which kept all the work neatly in the middle.

This is my Production Bible:

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Completing My Animatic

Today I completed my Animatic for the Storytelling module. This animatic consisted of my two chosen characters in one environment. My story consisted of an establishing shot setting the scene up and allowing the audience to understand where the characters are. The scene then switched to my main character ‘Zotarius’ sleeping in his bed, this soon changed because his alarm went off and he woke up suddenly. After brushing his teeth he picks up a new toy which he had bought for his pet dog ‘Zotane’ and throws it to him. After giving ‘Zotane’ the toy ‘Zotarius’ goes to make breakfast but hears a strange noise behind him. To his shock he sees that ‘Zotane’ is going crazy over his new toy and is running around and destroying everything. ‘Zotarius’ runs to try and stop him but gets caught up in the rampage as well. When the dust settles we can see that ‘Zotane has calmed down and ‘Zotarius’ is stood left gobsmacked by the damage and mess that his pet has caused just after getting a new toy!

To create this I used my digital backgrounds along with my concept art to create the moving storyboard. I highlighted the characters in a bright white so that when the audience are looking at it that is what their eyes are drawn too. I implemented video effects for a smoother transition between each image and also had the relevant sound which I needed to fit in correctly with the Animatic. I also included a timestamp and the scene names so that if someone was to animate it they would no the correct timings for the animation.

You can find my Animatic here!

Completing My Concept Art And Final Storyboard Copies

Today I finished my Concept Art and Final Storyboard copies for my storytelling module. The three concept art pieces which corresponded with my story idea. I chose 3 crucial points to convey in detail, these were the Establishing Shot, Inciting Incident and the Ending. These three points in my story were good for concept art because they had the most detail than any other scene in the story.

Establishing Shot:

Inciting Incident:Inciting Incident - Concept Art.png

Ending:Ending - Concept Art

I also finalised all of my final hand drawn and Photoshop storyboards, I copied the hand drawn versions onto the computer then went over them and highlighted the areas which I wanted the audience to focus on. By doing this now I can start the production of my Anamatic for this module.

Handrawn Storyboards:

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Photoshop Storyboards:

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Environment Production

Today I completed my environment design for my Storytelling module. This included floor plans, scale and concept art. My floor plans and scale were quite simple because I have decided to only include a square house. My scale is also simple because the house which I have planned is only one floor so it was easier to plan and design. The concept art which I have drawn was firstly done handrawn then put into photoshop and redesigned. My first piece of concept art is the establishing shot of the story, the second is the inciting incident and the third is the end of the story. I think that choosing these parts of the story are effective because it has allowed me to cover my story in a range of detail and it gives the audience a good idea of what it will look like.

Floor Plan and Scale:Floor Plan And Scale.JPG

Handrawn Concept Art:

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Finished Concept Art:

Character Development

Today I completed all of my character profiling sheets for the Storytelling module. I completed this for the two characters which I am using for my story. I had to do a full page image of the character with a background and target audience, turnarounds, expressions and poses and finally a colour-way for the individual characters. Another thing which I had to draw was a character comparison sheet which showed both of my characters next to each other so that the audience could get an idea of what I was planning.

Firstly I focused on Zotarius which was the human.

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Secondly I did Zotane who was a dog.

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Finally this is the character comparison sheet:Character Comparison

Learning About Scriptwriting

Today I learnt about scriptwriting in my storytelling module. I learnt what every single part of the script meant and how it should be formatted when writing. The first thing I learnt was that the script should be in a Courier font and not bigger or smaller than 12pts. I learnt about the scene heading which should include whether the scene is Inside or Outside: e.g. ‘INT or EXT’, the Location: e.g. ‘HOUSE, FIELD’ and the Time of Day: e.g. ‘DAY, NIGHT’. I also learnt that names should also be in capital letters whenever mentioned. e.g. ‘ICARIUS gave ZOTANE his new toy’. I also learnt about camera direction. I should generally not use a lot of these but when needed I should use these terms. Transitions: e.g. ‘FADE IN or FADE OUT:, DISSOLVE TO:, ANGLE ON: and INTERCUT:’. Camera Movement: e.g. ‘ PULL BACK, ZOOM, PAN IN’. Shot Type: e.g. ‘ POV, CLOSE UP (CU)’. Another thing I learnt about was dialogue, dialogue is tabbed from the side. Acting direction for voice or subtitles is in parenthesis. e.g. ‘(In Spanish, Subtitled) Parenthetical’. Some other annotations I know are: ‘O.S=Offscreen, V.O.=Voice Over’.

A useful thing I was also told was when I go onto Microsoft Word I can search for a template called: ‘Script/Screenplay’, and it will automatically create a template which uses everything I need to have for a successful script. Another thing I learnt was what Diegetic And Not Diegetic sound is. Diegetic sound is a noise which has a source on-screen. They are noises which have not been edited in, for example dialogue between characters or footsteps. Another term for diegetic sound is actual sound. Non-diegetic sound is a noise which does not have a source on-screen, they have been added in. I also learnt about a LogLine. LogLines are a one or two sentence summary of what my story will be about. Setting (Time/Place)+Protagonist+Struggle(With Antagonist)+Death(Stakes/Goal). My LogLine for my story is: ‘In the depths of hell, demon Icarius purchases a new toy for his companion Zotane, which leads to a disaster which only Icarius can fix.’ The last helpful thing I learnt was in live action 1 minute should take up 1 page in a script, and in animation 1 minute should take up 1 and a half pages.

This is a picture for a cheat sheet to scripts I was given:Screen Shot 2019-02-19 at 3.41.28 PM

Storytelling Storyboard Idea

I have created my storyboard for the storytelling module. I had to include 2 characters and 1 environment so I had to change my initial plan to something that fitted the brief more.

I decided to have Icarius wake up look and be looking forward to his resting day. After getting ready he gives Zotane his pet a new toy. When Zotane receives the toy he is so excited he decided to sprint around everywhere in enjoyment. Icarius stands there and just watched in horror at everything in his house getting knocked over and destroyed by Zotane. Eventually Zotane settles down next to Icarius and drops his toy and we get to see the devastation that Zotane has made.

Image of my Storyboard:

Storytelling Character Designs

I have done a lot of brainstorming and thought of two characters which I want to use in my module of storytelling. I have decided to use my character which I created for making of which was a demon called Icarius. I have used this character because he will fit well with the story I have planned up. I have also created another character for this story which will turn out to be Icarius’ pet. They will both stick and work together during my story.

Character Turnarounds For Icarius:

Character Turnarounds For Zotane:img_0559

Characteristics Of My Characters

Today I completed my two characteristic documents for my chosen characters. I had a bunch of different lists which would give my audience a strong visual of what my characters would look and act like in the story. This is effective because it also allows me to visualize them in a new light which could change the way I draw them and also portray them in my storyboard and story.

Images of my characteristic sheets:

Storytelling : Script To Screen Brief

Today I learnt about a new brief that I have been given called Storytelling. The development for this module was to write a story and visualize it. I need to create a 1 minute long storyboard animation which included 2 characters and 1 environment where the characters struggle with a problem. Also for my blogs I will need to keep a reflective summary of the module.

I need to learn how to format and understand that 1 page is 1 screen minute. I need to make all characters have the capacity to change during my story. I also learnt that the inciting incident was something that happens to begin the action.

I thought of a few story ideas and started to develop one so it met the requirements of what the brief was asking us to do. My ideas which I thought of would include the character which I created for the Making Of brief earlier on in the year.

Picture of my notes for storyboard: